for Youth Workers

The empowering nature of permaculture comes from the power of understanding nature and how to meet our basic needs from it. 


22 April to 5 May, Passignano sul Trasimeno, Italy


Global Permaculture Collaboration

The Permaculture Ecoversity Design Certificate program is a collaborative effort between Ecocentro IPEC in Brazil, Ecoversity in Australia, and the Global Ecoversity Network, integrating two decades of global community development, design, and education.

Focus on Human Resilience

This course prioritizes the promotion of human resilience through Permaculture Design, addressing pressing global challenges.

Four Pillars of Sustainable Living

It underscores Environmental, Social, Cultural, and Economic harmony between human society and the natural world as fundamental to sustainable living.

Foundation for Lifestyle Change

Providing a solid foundation for lifestyle change, the program concentrates on regenerative systems and offers essential knowledge for Land and Nature Stewardship

Practical Measures for Thriving Communities

Permaculture Design equips participants with practical measures and methods to plan thriving human communities effectively.

Comprehensive Coverage of Key Issues

The course comprehensively covers historical, contemporary, and emerging issues related to food and energy security, water care, housing, land tenure, and entrepreneurial opportunities within permaculture design

Expert-Led Learning Experience

Led by renowned educators and guest teachers, the PDC offers an expert-led learning experience with diverse perspectives and insights.

Global Networking Opportunities

Participants have the opportunity to connect with a global network of change-makers and engage with multicultural communities striving for a harmonious way of life.

Entrepreneurial Model for Diverse Environments

This course adopts an entrepreneurial model suitable for all climates, empowering participants to develop innovative solutions and business models tailored to their local environments.

Regular Price

$ 1200
12 day course
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Early Birds

12 day course
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Christmas Gift

12 day course
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ENDS 25/12


24, 2024

Meet the


Our trainers are among the most famous permaculture Designers.

Founders of EcoCentro IPEC, Sustainability Consultants for famous music festivals such as BOOM Festival, Burning Man and with over 20 years of field experience. 

Andre Jaeger Soares

Andre Jaeger Soares is a beacon of inspiration in the world of Permaculture, with an illustrious 28-year journey spanning four continents. As a co-founder of Ecocentro IPEC in Brazil, he has been instrumental in shaping an environmentally conscious haven for education, research, and community development in Latin America.

His unwavering commitment to sustainable living transcends borders, evident during his tenure as the Sustainability Director of the esteemed Boom Festival in Portugal. Through innovative eco-initiatives and a steadfast dedication to environmental stewardship, Andre has touched the hearts and minds of audiences from 70 countries.

His passion for Permaculture has not only transformed how we interact with our surroundings but has also sparked a global movement towards embracing a more sustainable future. Andre’s legacy is one of inspiration and empowerment, driving positive change and paving the way for a greener, more harmonious world.

Lucy Legan

Lucy Legan is a co-founder of Ecocentro IPEC in Brazil, a visionary institution promoting ecological awareness and sustainable living.

With over 20 years of experience, she has guided people worldwide in permaculture, organic agriculture, and natural building. Lucy’s teachings have reached diverse regions, including the USA, Portugal, Australia, Haiti, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Ecuador, El Salvador, and Brazil.

Her bestselling book, “Planet Schooling,” offers practical ways for families to connect with nature. Lucy’s whimsical gardens and love for tea inspire creativity while nurturing the Earth. Her dedication continues to inspire a global movement towards a more sustainable future.



discover the


la buona terra

“La Buona Terra” is an agricultural enterprise that has been in existence for over 30 years. It was among the first educational farms in Italy, and its primary goal continues to be environmental education. This is practiced by hosting groups of young people from all over Europe within the agritourism facility, supported in the summer by the agri-campsite, an eco-friendly area with glamping tents, Biolan Compost Toilets, and solar showers. Currently, the main agricultural activity revolves around the care of the olive grove, comprising 9 hectares of mixed olive varieties—some ancient and others more recent. Extra Virgin Organic Olive Oil is extracted from these olives in our small on-site olive press. Within the olive grove, there is a small orchard featuring native and ancient species, as well as a field of medicinal herbs, primarily lavender, from which we produce essential oil and aromatic water.

To assist in grass control and fertilization, there are sheep, geese, ducks, and Livornese silver chickens. A forest on the property allows us to experiment with a food forest and create trails. Various agricultural outbuildings and facilities for educational activities are present on the property. The association Kora is headquartered within the enterprise and collaborates with La Buona Terra in developing educational programs for young people.



Yes, this course is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. It covers the participation in the training and travel costs according the Erasmus+ funding principles

You have to be at least 18 years old. The selection criteria will be your active role as a youth worker or educator of young people

There is funding for 20 participants. Priority will be given to participants who are members of non profit organisations and youth organisations

No, the diet won’t be fully vegan. We do serve meat when hosting groups, however most meals are mainly vegetarian or vegan. We try to accommodate as many dietary requirements as we can.

Participants will be sharing rooms of 4 to 6 people. Unfortunately we are unable to guarantee single or double rooms. In case of special needs, please let us know.

Yes, we provide pick-up from the station in Passignano sul Trasimeno. We ask you to arrive by 18:00 if possible. Based on arrival times, we will arrange pick-ups at 2 or 3 different times on the arrival day.

  • Comfortable cloths & shoes
  • Biodegradable soap
  • Bath towel
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Flashlight
  • Drawing pad or personal notebook
  • Colored pencils or pens
  • Scale ruler
  • Laptop (not required, but recommended)

Yes, there will be a free day during the course, around the middle.

Please prepare a small presentation of your country for the intercultural night, or bring something to taste.

The COOP in Passignano sul Trasimeno is a 20 minute walk down the hill and approximately 30-35 minutes up. We suggest that you bring what you think you may need (toiletries, cigarettes, snacks, etc) as we cannot guarantee trips to the shop on a daily basis.

Yes, you will receive a Permaculture Design Certificate signed by the trainers in addition to the Youthpass offered by the Erasmus+ Programme

To provide a full PDC we have had to cut on travel days. This means that we expect you to arrive 22 April and leave 5 May. For this reason, instead of the normal rule for Erasmus+ (2 days before and 2 days after), you can only use 1 day before and 1 day after. Travel earlier or after those dates cannot be reimbursed!

If you’re not part of any youth organisation nor NGOs, please get in touch with us at [email protected]. We’ll try to find  a solution.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.